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Motherplant. added 03/21/08
5 days later I had to tie her down, this hurt the both of us, but for the better, you will se.
5 days later I had to tie her down, this hurt the both of us, but for the better, you will se.

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (36 total)
My tiny little motherplant. She was aboute to die when i saw her at a buddy's house. Just had to save her. 03/21/08
My little motherplant. This is 6 days later, under 1x400w HPS/w. Son-T Agro bulb. 03/21/08
My little motherplant. This is another 3 days later and another repoting, but she's looking much better. 03/21/08
Motherplant. So another 2 days has past and she's doing just fine=) 03/21/08
Motherplant. 2 more days has gone, starting to smell=) 03/21/08
Motherplant. Just a moment before chopping her head off... 03/21/08
Motherplant. This is just 11 days after chop off, and I must say I am proud. 03/21/08
Motherplant. Another 10 days of love and care and she responds with enthusiasm=D 03/21/08
Motherplant. 5 days later I had to tie her down, this hurt the both of us, but for the better, you will se. 03/21/08
Motherplant. Just 6 days later and look at that, I mean really look! It's awsome. 03/21/08
Motherplant. So this is the end for my motherplant, but her gens will go on! 03/21/08
Seeds Aurora Indica And Supersku So this is happening at the same time as the nlxhaze mother is being cultivated. 03/21/08
Seeds Aurora Indica And Supersku All but one came up just 10 days later. 03/21/08
Seeds Aurora Indica And Supersku This is another 12 days after last pic.. 03/21/08
Seeds Aurora Indica And Supersku Another week has past and I am ready to take cuttings.. 03/21/08
NorthernLigth#5XHaze cuttings Finally done my cuttings. 03/21/08
Superskunk And Aurora Indica cut Finally done my cuttings. 03/21/08
Cuttings. So this will be there home for the rest of they're life's. 3,5 liter pots. I know the pots are a little small, but hey, it was my second atempt=) 03/21/08
Cuttings. Love my ladies.. 03/21/08
Cuttings. Love the way cuttings grow together.. 03/21/08
Cuttings. Just a couple of pics before pre flower=) 03/21/08
Pre Flower The first pic I have off pre-flower. 03/21/08
Pre Flower This is the same day different angle. 09.01.2006 03/21/08
Pre flower This is a top shot 3 days later. 03/21/08
Pre flower This is 1 day further.. Don't tell my they don't look happy! 03/21/08
Pre flower Same day as last pic. Still happy=) 03/21/08
Pre flower Another 2 days has past and I'm still loving my ladies=)So I gave them MORE air... 03/21/08
Pre flower The smell is great. Man how I wish Cannabis was legal. 03/21/08
Flower Now things are really strating to take shape.. 03/21/08
Flower Nice.. 03/21/08
Flower And another day........goes sooo slowly..oohh 03/21/08
Flower I wanna taste your fruits baby... 03/21/08
Flower Yamsy!! 03/21/08
Flower Getting close to the end.. Of the pics that is=/ 03/21/08
Flower This is one of my fav pics.. 03/21/08
Flower And of course.. The ladies in all there charm... God nigth.. 03/21/08

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