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  First Indoor Grow and THEY ARE BEASTY!! (Avg Rating: 7.6 in 29 votes)   United Kingdom

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Side view 6 weeks old added 05/23/07
picture 3 of 4
picture 3 of 4

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (24 total)
2 WEEKS OLD My plants at 2 weeks old cant realy get hold of a camera all the time have to borrow one 05/06/07
2 weeks old a few more pics so u can see 05/06/07
2 weeks old 3 of the 4 pictures of my little plants 05/06/07
2 weeks old last and final pic :) 05/06/07
1 month old Whey they are massive now took these yesterday 05/06/07
1 month old mORE close up pics for everyone to see 05/06/07
1 month old pic 3 of 6 05/06/07
1 month old pic 4 of 6 05/06/07
1 month old pic 5 of 6 05/06/07
1 month old final and last pic, i will be doing more pictures in 2 weeks hopefully 05/06/07
Garden view 6 weeks old this is amazing in 2 weeks they have grow double the size now they are 59cm 05/23/07
Birds eye view here is the first of the four top view at 6 weeks old. 05/23/07
Birds eye view 2nd of the four top view at 6 weeks old 05/23/07
Birds eye view 3 of four top view at 6 weeks old 05/23/07
Birds eye view picture 4 of 4 top view at 6 weeks old 05/23/07
Side view 6 weeks old attempting to take pictures close up but not much room to get around 05/23/07
Side view 6 weeks old picture 2 of 4 side view they looking quite bushy 05/23/07
Side view 6 weeks old picture 3 of 4 05/23/07
stalk thickness whey virtually an inch 05/23/07
11 fingered fan leaves look closley and it has a weird 12 leaf growing from the middle of the leaf overlapping 05/23/07
7 weeks old garden view this is the last of the 24 hour cycle pictures nwo we are ging to start the 12-12 light cycle to produce some nice buds 06/07/07
cuttings I took some cuttings quickly b4 i change the light cycle to 12-12 but i dnt no how they will do since i dnt have the proper light for them which my 400 watt may burn them 06/07/07
the 7 week jungle a picture looking into my sea of green 06/07/07
7 weeks old single plant check her out she is looking like a xmas tree 06/07/07

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