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  purple haze and pure power (Avg Rating: 7.6 in 14 votes)   the world yall the world

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11 days added 05/09/06
pure power plant at 11 days under 400 watt mh
pure power plant at 11 days under 400 watt mh

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (19 total)
11 days pure power plant at 11 days under 400 watt mh 05/09/06
pure power palnt 12 days old 05/09/06
baby plants another at 12 days 05/09/06
setup(closed) heres my cheap setup of cardboard and wood 05/09/06
setup(open) open setup with homemade c02 05/09/06
small overview samll palnts, 2 stunted got three more planted in the soil waiting for them to sprout. 05/09/06
14 days picture of plants at 14 days 05/12/06
14 days another shot at 14 05/12/06
15 days old my babies at 15 days old 05/13/06
baby closeup 05/13/06
few pots added planted about five more ppp plants 05/15/06
5 plants 4 ppp plants and one purple haze at 17 days 05/15/06
3 weeks 1 day old started to lst day before yesterday a lil bogus but its been workin 05/20/06
overview 3 week 1 day samll overview of setup i have 2 homemade co2 things made. mothafuckas 05/20/06
budding day 1 started budding really early i wanted to take clones but i have another plan 05/22/06
another shot of budding i changed the bulb to the hps as u can tell. i still have to seperate the males and females 05/22/06
new air i cut a whole in the cardboard and made my own exhaust. mothafuckas 05/23/06
setup oh yeah i decided i wasn't gonna bud so i switched my lights back to mh. but i decicded to try cloning because i was anxious and bored. i cut the clones from the purple haze and the pure power and their flowering now. 05/23/06
flowering plants these are in a box so i can tell the sex of the clones i took from 05/23/06

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