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j added 07/06/04

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (365 total)
Room from the outside! This is our room from the outside! pretty nice, You can see the fresh air coming into the room. 03/17/04
View of door and shelf This is the door and the shelf located at the other side of the room. 03/17/04
ventalation This is the ventalation going out of the room. The fan blows the air into the vent, and the vent leads outside. It works pretty well. keeps the humidity at 45% just where i want it. 03/17/04
ventalation exit THis is were the vent goes out of the room. It leads to the outside. 03/17/04
light and vent THis is the powerfull 430MH with the fan above it, taking all the stale air out. 03/17/04
week 2 As u can see they look kinda healthy, but they still got some yellow on them. If your wondering what the empty pot is, its a seed that we planted that we are hoping will sprout. We didnt germinate it. THe seed came from a shishkaberry bud. 03/17/04
Week 2 Here they are. I cant really make them out yet. When they get bigger you can notice that the chocolate chunk is darker, and fatter. This is because its a pure indica. 03/17/04
week 2 Close up of some of the plants. THey have some yellow leaves on them. I got them like that because they were sitting in the cold car for like 4 hours. But ill revive them. 03/17/04
week 3 OOPS! we did the most comon thing done by first time growers, over fertilized them. But it was only the day after so we can still fix it. So we leeched them 3 times, once ever other day. and it was fine again....feww But man did they look shitty or what. but hey i'v seen worse.but look at the other one, it sprouted! 03/17/04
week 3 You can see all the newer leaves are curling in, and going really thin. When your leaves begin to look like claws u know its over fertilizing. It happends but it wont happen again. 03/17/04
week 3 Notice all the little yellow things, its because we had a little problem with fungus gnates. they are little flies that look like fruit flies but they arnt. They eat your roots and they live inside the soil, where its all nice and moist. Those assholes. The yellow things are really sticky, they get atracted to it and die. We must of gotten the mother cause we dont have any more problemes with them. 03/17/04
week 3 Notice that we dont have pots anymore. Its cause the roots were already coming out the bottom, so we decided to try this method. They will have plenty of root space, but you think they might get a little bushy? 03/17/04
seedling week 1 this is the little one that sprouted. looks nice, hopfully its a female. 03/18/04
week 5 Now after some serious babying, after adjusting the Ph(6.5), and after using organic fert, they are healthier than ever. Turns out that the water we were using before was at level 8. Man thats horrible. Look at the seedling, its sprouting nicely. 03/18/04
week 5 u can see all the internodes are close together, nice and bushy. 03/18/04
week 5 Some more pics 03/18/04
week 5 This pic looks really good on your wallpaper. Its the shishkaberry. 03/18/04
week 5 This is a nice pic of the chocolate chunk. Doesnt she look beautiful! Nice dark leaves. 03/18/04
week 5 I think they are getting too bushy. i wonder whats gonna happen now? 03/18/04
week 5 This is our biggest one. Shes almost at 12 inches..its the shishkaberry, and its a single cola growth pattern. Shes gonna be nice! 03/18/04
seedling week 4 Yeup, beleive it or not its at week 4. I think theres somthing wrong. Growth is too slow, and the newer leaves look really long and fat, but it doesnt look normal. 03/18/04
seedling week 4 The leaf is like 4 inches long.. 03/18/04
seedling week 4 LOOK..ITS A FEMALE! its hard to see but it definatly is. 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) Now look at em!! its a forest. Soon to be a forest of bud\ cause its the first day of flowering! We still have the MH in, but were gonna get the HPS bulb this weekend so dont worry. They were justt getting to bushy for the container that their in. Bad idea, next time we'll jsut use normal pots. 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) This is the shishkaberry. Growing nicely. 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) More forest! 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) Top view of the plants. I think im gonna have to clip some leaves to make room and light for the buds. Ill do that two weeks into the budding stage. 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) Over view of the plants. Now can you tell which one is which? 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) This is the shishkaberry that grew like 4 or 5 inches in just a week. Its now at 15 and a half inches. This one is gonna get to around 25-30 when its done budding. 03/18/04
seedling week 5 Remember how i said that my seedling looks kinda wierd? Well, Its fucking retarted. Its a stupid dwarf. Dam thing is all messed up. Too bad cause its a female. Whutever i just sold it today for 15 bucks. I didnt want it anymore. 03/18/04
week 6, flowering (day 1) This is what each plant is. The ones outlined with red are the Chocolate Chunk, the ones in blue are the shishkaberry, and the ones in yellow are jack herer. They are all grown with single cola patterns. Just imagine this place, soon it will be filled with HUGE colas. 03/18/04
Temp/humid Right where i want it!!! But now that we are in budding, were gonna try to get the humidity down to 30 or 35. The more dry it is during the flowering, the more crystal you will get. 03/18/04
week 7, flowering(day8) NOW LOOK AT EM!! nice and big, budding all over the place. and we also got the HPS hooked in. Look at the diffrence in the light, this one is orange. Really bright! 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) A shot of the tall shishkaberry plant to the right, along with the shorter chocolate chunk to the left. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) Another shot of the plants. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) closer view. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) nice view of the plants. They look healthy. The one standing tal and proud is our chunk, dam sweet. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) Beauty shot on the cola of the shishkaberry. its growing perfect! 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) I believe this is a shot of the chocolate chunk cola. Growing nicely. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) This is a shot that came out wierd, but i just had to put it on, looks tripy! 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) This is the shishkaberry! shes now at 19 inches! Shes grew 4 inches in a week!! Not bad. 03/25/04
week 7, flowering(day8) This is the shikabbery, and she looks like shes going to grow a nice fat long cola. We'll just have to see! 03/27/04
Picture of all our stuff! As you can see we got our water lined up on the left, and we usually leave it out for 3 days before putting it in our soil. We only use organice ferts and its called DNF. we use it every other watering, only because the NPK is so low. We jsut got our blooming fert, and its at a 0-50-30. Were going to use it once a week. 03/27/04
week 8, flowering day 17 This is where they stand now. not too bad eh? 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 Nice buding plant. filling in nicely. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 another bud shot at day 17. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 And another plant. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 This one is standing tall and budding nicely. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 Well, i think there has been a huge mistake. The ones that i said were shishkaberry the whole time, are accually chocolate chunk. Opps, my bad. Im gonna have to figure out which ones which when its a little more mature. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 WOW, this one looks awsome. And now i know for a fact that this is chocolate instead of shishkaberry. The ones that are supposed to be chocolate, are i think the jack herer because it looks more sativa. THis plant being chocolate chunk makes more sense because they have the widest leaves of them all, and this is a pure indica. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 Nice top view of the buds. 04/04/04
week 8, flowering day 17 So after a quick pruning job, this is where they stand at after two months of growth. next week we'll see a big improvment with its growth spurt, cant wait to see. THe light is about 13-14 inches away. That is about as close as we can get it. 04/04/04
week 9, flowering day 26 Well here they stand now...Its really starting to take off, getting nice and smelly!!! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 THis is one of the chunk plants, its soo bulky this one. has like 3 colas... 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 You guest it...chocolate mmm so many chystals for only 26 days!! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 Another nice cola!! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 You can really see that the buds just blew up since last must be that fert!! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 and another.... amagine how its gonna look in a month.... 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 This is the biggest bud we got...mesures 6 and a half inches in legnth, not too shab eh? it will hopfully fill in nicely though.. 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 More chrystal shots!!! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 Long bud! 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 And here is what it looks like this week even better... 04/12/04
week 9, flowering day 26 Tripy view...looks like some sticky icky stuff!!! 04/12/04
Flowering day 35 Here are the buds after 35 days of flower...its really filled in, and it reeks up....soo sticky too, especially the chunk...hehe 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 Here is a shot of most of them...getting much fatter. 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 Here is one of the chunk plants with two colas....very nice indeed. 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 Big bud, sticks out alot... This plant stands at about 25 inches...vertical growth has completly stopped now.. 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 Nice frosty nug there.... 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 THis bud it curling towards the light....i always wondered how some buds were 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 squeezing the bud, filled bud not quite filled... 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 Yes, the same my bad 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 fat bud!!! 04/21/04
Flowering day 35 WOW, beauty right here!! 04/21/04
Finished bud! Now that we are getting into some serious buds, i htink we should check out what it will look like when its done...Here is a nice finshed bud of chocolate chunk!!! enjoy, i know i do! 04/25/04
Finished bud! A little closer to the chunk! LOts of Trichomes 04/25/04
Finished bud! Here are 3 diffrent types...THe big one is chocolate, second biggest is Stoupersonic, and the smaller onw is lion heart, which is the only sativa...Very good stuff! 04/25/04
flowering day 47 Here they are now, getting yellow, almost ready to harvest. 05/03/04
flowering day 47 Got some nice looking buds here 05/03/04
flowering day 47 More buds 05/03/04
flowering day 47 nice shot 05/03/04
flowering day 47 This is the long long chocolate chunk...nice stuff 05/03/04
flowering day 47 top view of the buds 05/03/04
flowering day 47 Close up bud, frosty! 05/03/04
flowering day 47 endless buds!! 05/03/04
flowering day 47 top view! 05/03/04
flowering day 47 Well, here they are. Were gonna give them about 2 weeks more, just to finish up those jucy buds.. Almost there!! 05/03/04
flowering day 47 This looks nice! 05/03/04
NEAT PIC!! this is beleive it or not a pic from my garden. With the help of some computer technology of 05/08/04
HARVEST DAY 59 here they are, all nice and stinky....ready to be cut 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 they were a little over ripe i think 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 another pic before cut 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 bottom nug...mmmm 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 more nugs 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 some smaller nugs drying out... 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 these are all the really really small nugs(not worth trimming) that we will use for cooking... 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 more nugs drying 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 nugs... 05/15/04
HARVEST DAY 59 was a great proud of everything... 05/15/04
germinating seeds 05/16/04
male preflowering 05/26/04
female preflowering 05/26/04
male preflowering 05/26/04
mamajuana 07/06/04
mamajuana 07/06/04
mamajuana 07/06/04
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garden 07/26/04
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garden 07/26/04
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