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  First Grow - White Rhino from seed (Avg Rating: 5.3 in 25 votes)   Tokeville, BC

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Clones Day 2 added 10/08/03
Clone Recovery
Clone Recovery

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (11 total)
Bad Boy! Shot of male flower 7 days into bloom. You're outta here! 10/03/03
Day 45 rootmass Outgrew the passive wick when the roots started poking out; changed setup to DWC 10 days ago, roots are stained brown from Maxicrop. 10/03/03
14 Inches Looks deceiving, but it's only about a foot tall. You can see around the 6th node where I added Blast Off 8 days ago, just before 12/12 (see canopy closeup next picture). Lower nodes are packed tight, and I didn't think the plant was jonesin for anything more, but look what it did with the nitro boost! Those lower branches were perfect for taking clones. 10/03/03
Upper Canopy I FIMd the main shoot a couple of days ago, let's see if these branches take over the lead. Notice the dense lower canopy from pre-blastoff days. 10/03/03
FIM Well, I chose a real bad time to decide to FIM - just before bloom cycle. I cut down the tip on one side, so there are a few nodes with just one leaf. Yellow is from lame camera. 10/08/03
Clones day 1 3 happy Clones in aero-cloner. First 48 hours were touch and go, this series of pictures shows the downward spiral and then 12 hours later they're fine. I trimmed the leaftips to reduce transpiration. 10/08/03
Clones Day 1 Hours later. Sad, wilted clones. 10/08/03
Clones Day 1 Sad, wilted clones. 10/08/03
Clones Day 2 Clone Recovery 10/08/03
Clones Day 2 The clone next to the airhose was looking much worse than the others so I recut and redipped the stem tip. The one leaf had gotten dried out and in defense, mary turned it upside down. 10/08/03

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