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  sativas in the making (Avg Rating: 5.9 in 22 votes)  

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last one added 06/29/03

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  Pictures (47 total)
female at 12 days flower crappy camers sorry 06/06/03
another female 12 days flower 06/06/03
another just anothe female 06/06/03
another one sorry bout the bright lite 06/06/03
lady 12 days flower 06/06/03
another pic another lady showing her sex 06/07/03
another 26 days old 06/08/03
another girl starting to show lots of preflowers 06/09/03
girly another lady 06/09/03
female preflowers showing 06/10/03
just another i hope she gives me something good 06/10/03
just a different view same plant thoughlook at the pic b4 this one, i see a face in lower right corner wierd 06/10/03
wierd plant happenings just wanted to put this little one in. I supercropped this one and it put out like 8 new tops where i toped it. and its been on 12/12 for 14 days. It started flowering almost as soon as i switched to 12/12, but the weird thing about it is the nodes are so close together, it just looks like a big clump of bud. I cant wait to see how this one will look in about 7 more weeks 06/12/03
another lady just another 15 days into 17 days into flower. I have to keep them short bcause of head space.6 feet total head room. only 5 feet from bottom of reflector. So i actually have only 4 feet of headroom growspace that i can finish at without having the tops burn. I flower at about a foot tall. but the length and width of the room lets me grow quite a few of these 4 foot beauties. sorry for the crappy camera 06/12/03
another these usually have like 6 to 8 fat colas per plant. I allways cut the little buds off early into flowering. All i want is those main buds, so i take all other lower buds off as to just concentrate on main colas 06/12/03
the closest that i can get This is the closest i can get to my growroom. I dont have a digital camera, just this crappy littlepc camera that came with my computer. Its a little ball that sits on top of my computer. and its connected through the usb port on my computer. So i cant get close enough to my growroom unless i move my whole computer by the door of my grow. In about 7 more weeks when there done, ill bring them all out and take a pic of them all at one time.12 females total.thanx 06/12/03
18 days into flowering this one was in the back of the grow and i forgot about it didnt get much light so it stretched like hell 06/18/03
18 days flower another stretcher sativa genetics really showing 06/18/03
what a stretch man this girl is 26 days into flowering and shes all stretched out 06/25/03
another stretcher shes reaching for the sky 06/25/03
little update these are 32 days into 12/12. This strain has a 100 to 115 day flowering time. This sativa strain has a long flowering period, but the high is the most uplifting,happyface buzz from any sativa that ive ever grown. These shots are from just 4 of the nine ladies that im growing the other five are all tied down and its too hard to untie and move out of the grow room just to take pics of. I cant take a pic of the whole grow room cause of my crappy camera. All you see is a bright light. Ill put all them together after thay all done 06/29/03
all pics at 32 days flowering another 06/29/03
another bud shot 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
another 06/29/03
last one 06/29/03
damn what a few days will do just gettin bigger 07/01/03
smell is getting strong this is better than the swagg im getting down my way 07/01/03
just another shot another 07/01/03
800 watts of HPS the lights have paid for there selfs 07/01/03
closest i can get closest i can get with this crappy ass camera. Any one got a hammer i can use 07/01/03
just a little reveg bonzi to tie This is a plant that i only revegged for 12 days after original cut down.I only vegged it for 12 days, just long enough to get a few tops showing. I wanted to see a bonzi bud plant.P lus it will help tied me over untill my current grow finishes filling out remember crappy camera. sorry 07/02/03
revege another crappy pic of the bonzi plant right b4 chop chop 07/02/03
revege one more of the plant 07/02/03
revege a little trimmed bud. This plant was only revegged for 12 days and 35 days more of flowering time 07/02/03
revege one more trimmmed shot 07/02/03
one of my indicas mixed in with this is a widow at 357 days flowering. She has some tite buds on her 07/04/03
oops 37 days flower not 357 another shot of widow.I have to keep the plant short cause of only 5 and a half feet headroom 07/04/03
this is my other indica ak 47 at bad pic crappy camera 07/04/03

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