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  My First Grow (Avg Rating: 6.1 in 9 votes)   Oregon, USA

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Young Plants under Floros added 06/03/07
I got this huge 100W Floro from Home Depot.. I should have kept using this before switching to HPS so early but ya live and ya learn.  (The HPS made the later for plants I germinated stretch too much.)  Notice the light hanging by its cord as per non recommended by manufacturer.
I got this huge 100W Floro from Home Depot.. I should have kept using this before switching to HPS so early but ya live and ya learn. (The HPS made the later for plants I germinated stretch too much.) Notice the light hanging by its cord as per non recommended by manufacturer.

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (7 total)
The Closet I share the upstairs of a duplex with the land lords son (who probly wouldn't want me growing dope) so I have to be extra stealthy. I'm going to die 5 years early from stress because of this grow alone. 06/03/07
Grow Side of Closet Luckily my closet is huge. I built a ghetto enclosure around the grow side and have intake fan on the bottom side and an exhaust fan on the top side. I also put a remote controlled thermometer in the closet so I can view the temp from outside the closet. 06/03/07
Young Plants under Floros I got this huge 100W Floro from Home Depot.. I should have kept using this before switching to HPS so early but ya live and ya learn. (The HPS made the later for plants I germinated stretch too much.) Notice the light hanging by its cord as per non recommended by manufacturer. 06/03/07
Vegging in big Pots Got all my plants under 250W HPS I added some Grow big and Burned the plants a little or maybe they have a small deficiency but they are recovering nicely and growing fast. 06/03/07
End of Vegging I want to go on vacation in two months so I'm going to flower my plants now. My biggest one has intermittent nodes so I know they are getting close to ready. 06/03/07
Flowering Day 1 (jogging) I am a noob and I just read that plants double their height during flowering? Well I just hope they can untangle the mess I've tied them down in. Comments suggestions? 06/04/07
Flowering Week 1 I can't believe my luck, out of five plants I got four females. They have grown A LOT this week. All four plants are growing at about 45 degree angles now thanks to jogging. 06/10/07

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