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This is the best pic added 03/04/06
She is really nice...the nicest plant ive ever seen my friend grew one and he fucked it with water and drying it off cause it got to dry when he harvested it Chronic Haze Everybody Chronic Haze
She is really nice...the nicest plant ive ever seen my friend grew one and he fucked it with water and drying it off cause it got to dry when he harvested it Chronic Haze Everybody Chronic Haze

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  Pictures (27 total)
Young Im only 15 years old and im almost 16 (ya i know im young but i love Marijuana) and ive been growning these for a long time i never kept track cause i was always stoned lol so these are them when they where younger 03/04/06
Little Plant Then BIg Now Still i dont know when i started them cause of being so fucked up lately... 03/04/06
This is the Chronic This is the Chronic Haze when shes alot younger at this point its bigger then the other one but that will change very soon 03/04/06
This is them about..5-6 months a The little one is sort of curved on the bottom for the stem i only had 2 60 watt light bulbs and it ended up leaveing some bad damnage...but i dont have a picture of the damnage cause it was so bad 03/04/06
Chronic Haze This is the Strong one i call her Chronic Haze cause its got white and red pistols everywhere all bunched up in to little buds this plant littarly splt by its self i didnt even know it did 03/04/06
Both heads of the Chronic The plants got to big to where i couldnt talk them out of my room and use the webcam to take pictures so there smaller 03/04/06
This is the best pic She is really nice...the nicest plant ive ever seen my friend grew one and he fucked it with water and drying it off cause it got to dry when he harvested it Chronic Haze Everybody Chronic Haze 03/04/06
Chronic Haze split.... My other friend jon the one who grew his plant he was looking at mine one day and seen that it had split all by its self it was weird cause hes never seen that befor 03/04/06
This is a far back picture This one just shot up like a rocket and one day the top of the main stem got burent so it stoped growing but the sides just started poping up like a foot tall with some monster bud on it but i dont got good enough pictures to prove it 03/04/06
Top right of the Unknown Big Bud The pistols on it are white and there are like hundreds of them ill have to get a digi cam for my birthday 03/04/06

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