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early harvest added 04/12/06

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  Pictures (92 total)
Plants at 2 weeks old 4 of them poped right up and the other 2 followed a day later . I can already see different charteristics in the plants I hope they all Are Female 01/24/06
This is one of the stronger plan when I germinated the seed it grew a root about 1 inch long in the paper towl it was crazy I knew it was going to be a biggon ! 01/24/06
The runt of the bunch She did not start to grow until about 5 days ago I'm not sure why but now she's looking very nice !!! 01/24/06
Starting to even smell like BUD! another nice plant . I notices A hent of sweet oder now in the room . Like My Guard Worm SPIKE !!! 01/24/06
2 weeks old and looking good Its hard to believe I put these in the soil exactly 2 weeks ago !!! Glad I made the investment in the Light .. 01/24/06
Foliage and stem Growth these are nice fat stems on all the plants I keep A good Amount of cirulation in the box mainly for the heat factor I can keep it around 78-82 degrees ferenheit and about 60-65 on lights off time. Plants are on 18/6 cycle 01/24/06
More Stems This is the Bad boy that has been a Hoss from the get go had a inch long root when I germenated. VERY VERY NICE !!!!! 01/24/06
The grow box Here she is my Creation,Has 6 fans computer style, 2 desk fans , 400 watt HPS ,80 watts flur and I will add more. big hole in top for when plants get tall I will move light outside case but will not loose any light I cut whole to fit exact. Inside box is painted all white.. doors are made of white bathroom panaling . Just a trow together but should work well for my interest .. 01/24/06
2 wks and 3 days getting bigger FAST 01/27/06
21 days olds Now and in there fi Just transplanted these Most of them made the trip well Switched to a more Organic Fert 01/30/06
21 days They are really growing Fast 01/30/06
New Containers These guys are still recovering from the transplant 01/30/06
Florest Floor view A view from the forest floor at 21 days 01/30/06
more pics at 21 days BEEFY !!!! The Bigest plant 01/30/06
days 21 just a few more pictures 01/30/06
WEEEEEEEEEEE Holy Shit I need to smoke this STUFFF 01/30/06
1 02/01/06
Day 23 Plants are doing much better since transplant just needed a few light cycles and some fresh water 02/01/06
A 7 day old A seed I germinated in soil 7 days back . 02/01/06
BIG DADDY and friends at 23 day Man this guy is growing fast and BIG!! 02/01/06
The box from the outside A view from the outside when the doors are open its like looking into the sun 02/01/06
6 plants at 23 days in the box View with the doors open 02/01/06
days 23 my favorite This is my Favorite HOPE SHE IS A GIRL she was the runt of the bunch about 5 days behind the rest.. 02/01/06
24 hrs After Fish Food 27 days o doing much better and growing taller and bigger again 02/04/06
27 days 02/04/06
27 days old top these plants seemed to platau after transplant but I feed them Fish Emusions and Boom Over night They Exploded 02/04/06
Full View at 27 days old Back on All 6 plants are now thriveing it seems all this from a strong feeding of fish food this is my first grow so still learning . 02/04/06
MAYBE a MALE ??? 28 days I am not sure what this is the only plant that has them are THEY BALLS is this a MALE Plant ???? 02/06/06
MOre pics of the possible MALE 2 this plant did look a little retarded early on maybe a herme??? 02/06/06
28 days old is the girl sick? This plant is still a little stunted after transplant I hope she comes alive soon.. 02/06/06
????????MALE??????? I hope this is not a male I did not think they call be sexed until flower stage ?? 02/06/06
Confirmed it was a male and is g Down to 4 plants but think they are all female 02/06/06
28 day 4 plant WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 02/06/06
Nodes ????? Day 30 Are these nodes ??? day 30 02/08/06
More Nodes ???? day 30 Are these Nodes And when do they alternate ??? 02/08/06
Day 30 and doing GRRRRRRREAT!!! I measures today and I belieave they grew 1 1/2 inches during dark cycle or within 2 hrs of light 02/08/06
MJ Kiddo day15 A seed I planted on 1-25 in better soil mix than first batch in big pots I will remove this Youngster before 12/12 02/08/06
Getting A Bit Crowded Day 30 I wonder If I could transplant one of these plants into other pot with other plant ??? 02/08/06
36 days day 36 and I figured out That the more I feed the more they grow I was timid at first but they are responding weel to food 02/13/06
The runt day 36 here is the runt I just found out the big pots were unleval and the back plant was getting all the water I adjusted today we will see how this Plays out 02/13/06
A Female Perhaps ??? Day 36 This is the only plant (my favorate the runt)that has these Little hairs smaller than first set of Pistals ??? 02/13/06
Day 36 Looking Very NICE !! A top of one of the Plants at 36 days 02/13/06
Another top day 36 they all look so nice , This is my first grow and going well,2 plants are 18 inches as of today still no alternateing nodes 02/13/06
40 days Clustered plants at 40 days but doing well 02/19/06
40 day 3 plants in 1 pot?? These 3 girls are starting to really compete for space But getting big 02/19/06
BIG O Girl I Hope day 40 I hope this big plant is a girl no signs so far 02/19/06
My Crowded Plants all girls 100 Well I have just about determined all of these plants are girls all have hairs and some really hairy 2 of them anyways. Can't Decide what to do they all look so healthy 02/20/06
54 days old and 2nd day in 12/12 I may have waited a bit long to go 12/12 but they are Nice and healthy girls 03/04/06
54 days 12/12 for 2 days now More pics at 54 days 03/04/06
2 days in 12/12 WEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!! 03/04/06
TOP of Big Plant 54 days old 2nd Big Girl Top View 03/04/06
The runt at 54 days 2nd day in 1 This is the Runt of my garden and has been my favorite since the get go . I KIND Seed I Got friend A BUD 03/04/06
WHAT The HELL is THIS SHIT OK I don't know why this plant is looking so shitty it has been the best plant the whole time I think She's gone HERMI ??? 03/16/06
67 days Old 19 days in 12/12 1 good plant and one shit Can Kind BUD Plant I dont know what happened to her 03/16/06
Are these Balls I know this plan What the hell are these on my 67 days old Female Kind Bud Plant SHITTTTTTTTT!!!!!! 03/16/06
I Nice Bud on good Plant 67 old BUD 03/16/06
67 days old 19 days flower Nice bug Girl Will out grow this box most likley I will JOG Next Grow 03/16/06
Big Girl The only plant left This big girl is the only plant left she is all girl and very healhty. 03/19/06
69 days Old from seed in Soil 21 More Good Pictures 03/19/06
BUD at 21 Days 12/12 Very Nice Starting to see Nice buds These are Side Growth 03/19/06
TOP COLA BUD AT 21 DAYS 12/12 69 Top BUD at 69 Days Old 03/19/06
TREE 36 Days Flower She is a Big BIG GIRLLLLLLLLLL 04/05/06
Top View of Main Cola 04/05/06
Side Growth At 36 Days Flower The Side Colas are getting very thick Should yeild Alot of BUDDD 04/05/06
A new Set up for 2nd grow area 1 Bag seed Plant and Clone of my Current Flowering Female under 75 Watt HPS and 10000 LUmens Grow lite Flurs 04/05/06
Sick Clone 04/05/06
Clone of Current Plant I sure hope I can get the Girl healthy Again 04/05/06
tree 11 days to harvest 04/11/06
JUICY NUG Can't Wait for this 04/11/06
Main Cola SUre Wish I had Topped this girl 04/11/06
11 days to go then CHOP CHOP Like a crystal forest 04/11/06
Another Cols Shot Almost ready t 04/11/06
BIG GIRL 04/11/06
early harvest 04/12/06
Nice Nug 04/12/06
Branches 04/12/06
A few Colas to Smoke Early 04/12/06
Harvest Pics 04/23/06
Tree Trimmed 04/23/06
The Main Cola 04/23/06
Trike Pic 04/23/06
1 04/23/06
Crop 04/23/06
Tree Right Before the Big Chop 04/23/06
12 04/23/06
Garden plants These Girls Are Big This is the top of just 1 plant I have been JOGGING Her real Hard Shes a Mess 07/06/06
More OUTSIDE Pics I checked again this morning and they all look like girls all showing hairs NOT BALLS 07/06/06
1243 VEG garden 07/06/06
1 07/06/06

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