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  Sticki's latest GK grow. Start to Finish (Avg Rating: 8.6 in 35 votes)   Salt Lake City, Utah

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29 daze added 07/31/04
Nice advertisement!
Nice advertisement!

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (72 total)
Fat, healthy mothers. Always rea Three may be too many, they do get out of hand. Introducing BC-Bigbang soon so one will be that next time. 06/28/04
11 Days of veg. * 06/28/04
veg ** 06/28/04
veg *** 06/28/04
veggi **** 06/28/04
bent #1 11 days veg 06/30/04
bent#2 11 days veg. 06/30/04
18 daze 1 07/06/04
18daze 2 07/06/04
7 days 12/12 ak 07/09/04
7 days * ak 07/09/04
7 days ** ak 07/09/04
14 days 12/12 jungle 07/21/04
14 days 2 jungle 07/21/04
14 day old baby-bud @15 days, TOTALLY EXPLODES! 07/21/04
14 day 12/12. Pinched, tied, ben I'll try anything! 07/21/04
14 days, supercropped Worried about stretch at this point! 07/21/04
23 Days AK-47 07/25/04
23 Days a ak 07/25/04
23 b ak 07/25/04
23 still tieing a few 07/25/04
23 bud close up 07/25/04
23 loupe used should be cool later! 07/25/04
29 days Jungle all trimmed out along the bottom, Nice colas filling in. 07/31/04
29 days * 07/31/04
29 days Small buds filling in. 07/31/04
29 daze Nice advertisement! 07/31/04
29 days! Crystals all over the leaves already! 07/31/04
stash under the scope Cured bud. Experimenting. NOT this current grow. 08/08/04
scope2 This was with the Radio-Shack scope. Just playin around. Should be real cool when I try it on fresh, ripe buds!! 08/08/04
stash under loupe This is also old, stash. Taken with a jeweler's loupe. 08/08/04
loupe shot Not a scope but it does work! 08/08/04
loupe 2 Loupe experiment 08/08/04
37 days Garden has stopped all vertical growth. The buds that were tied down only a week ago are so heavy they now need support. 08/08/04
37 days The usual thing is ocurring. They get right up in the lights to the point of almost commiting suicide. Then they get so fat & swollen they begin moving back away from the lights. 08/08/04
37 days. Bent Bud. 08/08/04
51 days 51 08/22/04
51 days loupe shot triches are not close yet. 08/22/04
51 days loupe 2 It takes the whole 10 weeks for these to finish. 08/22/04
63 days Some fert burn... 09/03/04
63 days buds are very good quality, just a little fert-burnt. 09/03/04
63 days 1 week to go! 09/03/04
63 nice colorful nug Lotsa RED! 09/03/04
63 days Fat calyxes, nice n fuzzzzzy 09/03/04
22-1/2 ounces dried out. 12 hangers full. 09/25/04
18 plants came in. The jungle experiment was NOT what I anticipated. Live & learn! 09/25/04
Left end view of resivior. This is only 8" tall! Holds 23 gallons & is 84" long. 09/25/04
Right end view of new resivior. I have 2 pumps installed, the 2nd is attached to that spicket which will allow me fast efficient flushes. I also made a holder for the incoming hose so it can't slip off. Total cost of pumps & resi $280.00. Well worth it I hope. I've gained at least a foot of overall height. 09/25/04
RESULTS- Over 12" of increased g Reintroduced the 5th row, should get more light area. 09/25/04
Old Resivior Over 20" tall, Bad... 09/28/04
Sketch of new resivior 8" tall!! 09/28/04
BC-Bigbang Sativa.... 12/01/04
Bc Upclose 12/01/04
BC Sativa up close 12/01/04
BC tray Scrag 12/01/04
BC Budtray Sativa 12/01/04
Ak finish * 12/01/04
Grapestray * 12/01/04
Floor * 12/01/04
AK G-nug Purple 12/01/04
AKgnug2 * 12/01/04
Garden shot hg 12/01/04
Grownug hkk 12/01/04
Bignug AK 12/01/04
Nicenug fgd 12/01/04
nuthernug AK 12/01/04
Tray1 in order 12/01/04
Tray2 nvn 12/01/04
tray3 cx 12/01/04
tray4 bnv 12/01/04
tray5 hgf 12/01/04
BC Bigbang Lg. Cola 12/01/04

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