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  The Herban Jungle Project (Avg Rating: 0.0 in -63 votes)   milky-way?

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two weeks, added 12/05/03
spread out plants, soon to fill in. Bigger pots for all plants to come, then flower... raised plants agian. Girls loving life. rearranged agian, focused and retaped mylar, making intensity  rise. ferting with organic tea, soon to use bloom fert.
spread out plants, soon to fill in. Bigger pots for all plants to come, then flower... raised plants agian. Girls loving life. rearranged agian, focused and retaped mylar, making intensity rise. ferting with organic tea, soon to use bloom fert.

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (118 total)
garden heres a shot of a few of my babies... 11/26/03
NL NL day 5 veg... 11/26/03
NL no 2 heres another NL, 4 days veg.... 11/26/03
white widow 4 days veg... 11/26/03
nl NL day 6 veg 11/27/03
BLUxNL#5 day 6 veg 11/27/03
garden pic the head of david....hand sculpted. 11/27/03
babies anew the germing process... and a lil babie in the corner, before these pics below were posted. 11/27/03
some babies getting bigger!!!!!! just another day... 11/27/03
more babies... cant wait till they flower! 11/27/03
the root of all evil NO DRAMA FOR ME! 11/27/03
bluXnl 7 days veg lil bigger... 12/03/03
G-13 day 5 veg yum 12/03/03
G-13 6 days veg.... lil baby 12/03/03
big blue blueberryXNL#5, 5 days veg 12/03/03
can we say purple nugs?? HOLY SMOKES! That is one TASTY fruity pebble! 12/03/03
hey man! My dog ate my stash! ......Looks like were smoking a dog turd! 12/03/03
Chong had decent glass i like it, it has an ice catcher too! 12/03/03
just a fresh peek how'm I doin maw' ??!!! 12/03/03
ak/bubblegumXww 10? days veg this lil buggar popped up and I barely saw him! i looked around a corner of my show and she had popped up to say hellow in no time! 12/03/03
blueberry 12 days veg getting stout! 12/03/03
c-99 8days veg eeah? 12/03/03
c-99 7 days veg kikass! 12/03/03
g-13 9 days veg yummy! 12/03/03
growing up sneek peek no 2 12/03/03
getting bigger.... .... 12/03/03
nl 7 days veg kik... 12/03/03
NL 9 days veg yum! 12/03/03
perfection purple nugs loaded... cannabis a growing... who know whats to come of this insane life, we arent slowing! 12/03/03
ww 7 days veg cant wait... she loves to fight for light! she stingy over her sisters.... 12/03/03
another peek they love the light! 12/03/03
bowl packed with sensi fruity pe headies glass,i like this piece 12/03/03
little forrest smells like it too! 12/03/03
my show...... 1- first i get out my cheeb holder... 12/03/03
my show...... then i break down some purple sensi... 12/03/03
my show..... then i pack a bowl.... easy killer! 12/03/03
my show...... get ready to take a puff, taste the air sucked through the dank nug.... sweet! 12/03/03
my show.....light it up lilly! BURN IT DOWN! 12/03/03
my show.... and it was good!!!!!!! 12/03/03
my show....... puff agian , set it on fire! 12/03/03
my show...... ITS BEAT! Cashed.... 12/03/03
my show.... It takes TWO TOKES to get to the center of that tootsie pop! 12/04/03
garden day 13 total days light has been on 24/0 12/04/03
TLC I love to love... 12/04/03
tight nodes Notice the topped plant. 12/04/03
im black, im white! 12/04/03
another shot... day 13 still... reararanged, light lowered 12/04/03
lowered light as close as 8 inches....plants LOVE it! 12/04/03
g13/hpXww 8 days veg 12/04/03
2nd g-13 9 days veg 12/04/03
rearanged agian... temps still perfect!!! 12/04/03
thank you almighty 12/04/03
just another day 12/04/03
two weeks, spread out plants, soon to fill in. Bigger pots for all plants to come, then flower... raised plants agian. Girls loving life. rearranged agian, focused and retaped mylar, making intensity rise. ferting with organic tea, soon to use bloom fert. 12/05/03
blueberryXww getting perky 12/05/03
blueberryXnl#5 two weeks today 12/05/03
c-99 9 days veg 12/05/03
original NL 10 days veg 12/05/03
WW getting fiesty!!!! 12/05/03
new shot, 2 weeks 1 day looking good.... g-13 up front, ak in left rear. ww top center, c-99 to the right. bluberry in rear center... og nlithts behind bluberry and ww (hard to see). other crosses spread around... 12/05/03
un-"pruned" this plant is totaly natural, no pruning or topping. Notice the bushiness at such a young age... 12/05/03
"pruned" this plant is pruned and topped. I will have a side by side comparsion with the differences in total size, girth, heith and yeild... i use the supercropping technique, stem pinching or dutch supercropping. Photos will follow. 12/05/03
the garden so happy... 12/05/03
bowl n leaf pretty 12/05/03
stop the frama, and crazy women 12/20/03
deer 01/01/04
cindy 99, fresh nugg, yummmmmmmmmm 03/04/04
more nugg chong glass n nugg 03/04/04
2 months later my bro in law thats an alcholoic took my cam, but heres a pic from a camerafone, there are two bbXww crosses that turned purple in the middle you can see a little if you look in the middle behind the 16 inch nugg that folded over and shadows behind the light, two ak/ Bubblelicious/ww crosses in the back right- out of sight 1 small ww yeilding one oz because i couldnt stop tasting her! one of the 1 bb and bb-nl lt number five yeilding 2.5 ozs(smaller plant) 03/04/04
more fresh nuggs mmmmm 03/04/04
new garden... nugg pic this is an afghani hash plant cross.... HUGE yeilder- this plant was vegged from seed for 2 weeks. The nug was a full 8 inches longer including all lower budsites...but picked cola early due to seeded lower branches. this nug weighed 3 ozs cured @ over 16 inches. 11/23/05
old garden, hawiian up front.... this is a few weeks into flowering....waiting to chop!!! 11/23/05
headies triple blown- 150 bux, N the nuggs are VERY fruity- huckleberry, this pipe is one of my favs...very heavy and VERY intricate. The eigth of nuggs was FIRE. Smoked it during 311's concert, FRONT ROW!!! WHOS GOT THE HERB????? I scream.... I DO ! I DO!!!!! 11/23/05
older garden pic bb, ww cross up front- young 11/23/05
garden pic 11/23/05
garden pic juicy fruit up front....GREAT SOG PLANT!!!! among others... 11/23/05
nugg ww cross 11/23/05
same pic w a phone for a size re fruity!!! 11/23/05
old garden hawiian bb ww cross in middle.....sativa. cant wait! 11/23/05
garden shot batch before last 11/23/05
older garden juicy fruit.....2 weeks flower....+ assorted strains. 11/23/05
spicy yet skunky...not near the afghan, 1 week veg from seed, Xcelent yeild for veg time- great for clone and sog- FIRE 11/23/05
pix few babies- few ozs, some curin' nuggs and a fattie blunt all sittin!!! 11/23/05
pix hash plant babie, flower straight from seed- now 1 week veg....will veg for 1 month then take cuttings, veg for a month then flower all. 11/23/05
babies- beyond 4 generations drool babies 11/23/05
pineapple widow or known as white pineapple.....need better cam to see fully encrusted lower fan leaves and baby fan leaves. FIRE FIRE!! 11/23/05
pix 11/23/05
pix 11/23/05
pix 11/23/05
pix 11/23/05
DENSE afghani hashplant cross 12/04/05
before white pineapple before chop 12/04/05
after chop after chop - WP 12/04/05
same babie- cured cured nugg 12/04/05
same ..... 12/04/05
same ..... closer 12/04/05
my rosehair 12/04/05
my rosehair lol he passed out at the party early! 12/04/05
after a few get chopped..... 12/04/05
fresh and finished small clone picked young 12/04/05
very dense almost there- 1 week veg from seed 12/04/05
youngan 2 weeks veg from seed 12/04/05
top view here ya go 12/30/05
brownies and canna butter shavin im so stoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesd!!!!!!!!!! 12/30/05
jer o diggs... i was blasted into space, ww cross. 12/30/05
decent 12/30/05
superdense 1 week veg from seed 12/30/05
hawiian yum, taste like pineapple, frosty! 12/30/05
diseal nuggs 12/30/05
after i piced the plant, the ver DENSE 12/30/05
top of picked cola afghani hashplant cross 09/05/06
big guy- lil moped 09/05/06
bowls and beer cold corona and 2 glass bowls 09/14/06
grab summthin now i got stinky fingers! 09/14/06
fresh chop mmmmmmmmmmmmmm that a high times?? 09/14/06
hollow point hydro-shock.... 09/14/06
one of my glocks 18 rounds BIACH! 09/14/06
.44 MAG 3 INCH SHELLS.... wanna test me? 09/14/06

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