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  My Glass Collection (Avg Rating: 6.0 in 22 votes)   Gulf Coast

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Trippy Bubbler 2 added 09/28/03
Same pipe just another view.
Same pipe just another view.

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (12 total)
My Nug bowl This is another piece I got from my B-day, made by Tracy. Different Blower than before. I love the Dicro ribbon and how the carb has it's own tube. It attaches at the bottom so when u clear the pipe u really clears it. I only smoke nugs in this bowl. No shwag allowed! 09/26/03
Another view of my nug bowl Oh, and this pipe is dry. It's not a bubbler. 09/26/03
My golden hammer This is a mini bubbler with a nice donut in the stem. This hammer was fummed with 24k gold. I got this one for my wedding present from the same friend who made the trippy bubbler. This pipe looks like its made of solid gold in the right light. 09/26/03
Another view of my Golder hammer You can see the donut better here. 09/26/03
Spiderman This is Tracy's Spiderman pipe. Its a one of a kind. I tried to get him to make me one, but he wants to have the only one. This picture of it does not do it justice. 09/28/03
TrippyBubbler This is a real nice bubbler my friend made for me on my B-day. It has a trippy shroom on the side. Lots of ribbions. Lots of intense inside work. 09/28/03
Trippy Bubbler 2 Same pipe just another view. 09/28/03
ATL spoon This is a decent spoon A friend gave me when I lived in ATL. It's ok, but I don't know the blower. 09/28/03
ATL spoon 2 ALT spoon from another view. 09/28/03
Mutant Spoon This one, a friend made way back in the day when he was first learning to blow glass. He would kill me if he knew I posted it. I call it my mutant spoon because it's all misshapen and has lots of tiny air bubbles in it. Nice try though. 09/28/03

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