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  Here we go! (Avg Rating: 5.5 in 20 votes)   closet USA
Descriptionhmmmm...ok theyre poppin first attempt since mom used to pull em out of her pots...some 20 yrs ago...hahahaha now i got a closet ma...and she'd be proud of me saviing money...had 26+ sprouts and almost ripped out few and another few it seems right for lighting vs # of gonna try to use these 2 100W screw in fluor. bulbs through the plants' life...ya including flowering...i dont care about stubby plants...kinda what i using a 15" square wood box lined with foil and 2 clamp lamps....plants looked real healthy till today and brownness on leaves (almost 2 weeks old) and temp was 95 degF so i opened it..left lights on and put floor fan inside closet till i get a smaller fan....i need something about like a computer fan but how are they wired?? by 110V? 1 plant I named saturn cause dude that gave me seeds drove a saturn ..seeds came up 2 outa 3 good good...will keep updating update ..1 saturn plant alive 3 weeks later 3" tall and looks like cabbage compared to the rest..oh and got a 6" fan on like 2 hrs a day... update ::now 4 of same bulbs 12/12 for 3 weeks and i have 1 for sure female (was saturn) Awwwww and 1 for sure male...yes hes gone...sorry folks...didnt have a name anyways...i think it was one of the "neighbors" from page 1-2..plants are now in a 15" square and 2 ft tall box with inside painted white instead of foil..and fan on the 12 hrs w/lights
# Plants3
Strainsbag and good ones from buddy
Lights2 100W screw fluor clamplamps
Mediummix soil/miracle mix
Yield? we'll see
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (146 total)
closer i need a better camera...or try and hold webcam a little more still..its hard as hell for those of u that havent tried....since my total yield might be 1 oz ..that wont afford me a digi cam...especially since it will all be smoked and not sold 06/29/04
lower down the branch some more buds 06/29/04
top of plant yaaa good buds still going on my $8 walmart setup....takes 10 times longer but it works..obviously 06/29/04
another another shot of top buds 06/29/04
lower down the stem buds buds buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06/29/04
hmmmmmmm all hairs are WHITE-WHITE...makes the room smell sooooooooo good 06/29/04
and lower down the stem there are smaller and smaller buds...about 20 total on this 1 plant 06/29/04
plant shot heres the top 1/2...ya i need better cam 06/29/04
another plant heres plant in 1st pics...way back like 3 months ago was in orange pot...never had a name..but this one i pruned and FIMd like 10 times cause it kept gettin too big for box so it grew like a has about 12 budsites that started to get hairs like a week ago...oh im down to 3 plants in the end now....had to get rid of 2 males and gave 2 females to a friend with real growlights 06/29/04
yaaaa heres hairs.. 1 week old buds 06/29/04

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