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heres why im trying something ne added 07/03/03
all this string(i know its fucking pink) to support everything gets old. so im going to try a scrog op.
all this string(i know its fucking pink) to support everything gets old. so im going to try a scrog op.

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  Pictures (147 total)
a vegging pic ok heres the first shot of the vegging stage basicaly right when enter the room they are around 16 days into vegging. I dont have any clone pics now but I clone for 10 to 15 days before this stage. 05/22/03
veg 2 another shot ill try to get around the bright ass light fucking up my camera sorry. 05/22/03
veg 3 nice view of some of what i've come to call "ALPINE" notice the short internode length. A key ingredient for good buds. 05/22/03
veg 4 damn its everywhere! Two weeks old! 05/22/03
bright light My ladies just love to soak up some rays. 05/22/03
under the trays so hows that work simply 4inch 8 ft long house hold gutters! 5 in total on each side so i have 10 8 ft trays growing around 30 on each side for a total of a shit load. 05/22/03
under tray shot another view of the tray. 05/22/03
I grow in clay pebbles and lava here you can see the rooting area and grow rocks. The first time I grew herb was in dirt and I swear buy my marijuana growing talent never to go back! 05/22/03
side of tray heres another view of the trays. 05/22/03
here is the heart of the system. Two pumps push water on a timed cycle to a tee shaped spliter at the top. All trays run back to a return tray then back into a 25 gallon res. Both sides have there own resevoir for different nutrient ratios. This is very neccesary when growing double stages.notice the gate looking material at the ends and running down well the help to quiet all running water.This helps eleminate nosy neighbors from wondering why your taking a shower in your bedroom every two hours. 05/22/03
ok one last vegging stage pic heres a happy alpine plant or should I say a couple ;) I have named this alpine due to its extreme pine taste. It is like smoking a frozen christmas tree ever so sweet and smooth. 05/23/03
Some energy Heres some of the nutrients that i use general hydroponics always the gallon set these plants drink some stuff up. I also an in a little diamond nectar to help the plant with uptake of nutrients. That is basicaly there whole diet. I flush for two weeks before harvest and they taste superb. I have tried experimenting with different nuts and power drinks but find them to be a waste of money. good air, good temps, good light, good water, good nutes=good buds! nothing fancy round here. 05/23/03
YO where in the hell did that come from 05/23/03
Ok here we go now heres the start of the bud side im leaving my sodium light on for the real look of the garden. this is what i see every day. so heres a side shot back twards the fan, thats the big fans 3 ft tall kind from the 70'2. just for a size comparisson. 05/23/03
buds hers a nice shot of a couple colas they are about the size of beer bottles, not cans!............ yet! 05/23/03
side by side sizeup. these buds are in the 5th day of thier 6th week. just under two weeks to go! 05/23/03
100 dollar bill not so good pic the super sodium is kicking ass in here along with the runoff of the halide. still priceless. 05/23/03
buds2 heres some more pics of the 6 and a half week old ALPINE 05/23/03
bright flower shot More bud shots. At end of 6th week. 05/23/03
lower down side shot this is back against the wall looking down the garden kinda bight in the middle you cant really see. but thats what you need ;) 05/23/03
more buds heres another shot to try and get a better view 05/23/03
big ass buds damnit i want to smoke now... o wait i forgot i have some from last crop ;) 05/23/03
one more for now keep in mind this is a 5 ft by 8 ft garden space so all these pic are of different sides and buds but a full bedroom garden. 05/23/03
A solar shuttle this little device is a must have. it carries the 1000watt back and fourth 6 ft. this basicaly doubles the growing space providewd by 1. and with the other 1000watter going the opposite direction you get a very nice even growth. also notice the vlack tarping thats so i can close the spaces up for the 2 week vegging period. all in all it works great with the 4ft round vertizontal reflector.yeah this is a huge ass light reflector. 05/23/03
hey you what are you doing? My cat sammo, sizing it up for the kill. 05/23/03
damnit stop it. heres my little helper. about to munch on a leaf. this shit smells so good even to my cat. I have so much here i really dont care if he has a little early sample. 05/23/03
entrance this hangs in front of the entrance to my door. 05/23/03
my smoking device one of my smoking devices. 05/23/03
Now I see so all that pot, what do you do with the wasted leaf material? bubble bags! I have never seen anything like these fucking bags. It is amazing how little it takes to make a nice size ball of hash. these bags extact the trichomes of the plant material and soup up to form a mushy matrial you can smoke and get extremely fucked up on refered to by the name of hashish. 05/23/03
some fresh camera batteries. Here is a nice clear bud shot at approx. 7 weeks I just started to flush tonight 05/23/03
Heres another nice one Well this is about as close as I can get without blurring out completely. Notice how all the stigmas remain bright white even into the 7 th week of flowering. this breed "alpine" is a 9 weeker. 05/23/03
Reletive size Back side of the bud trays. She will get just a little bit bigger before harvest. Im expecting aroud 28 to 32 ounces off this side alone. 05/23/03
ALPINE It takes alot of light to grow big buds like these. Dont forget a lot of care and patience. I spend around 2 hours a day in here. Mainly just organizing and controling the plant growth. Its also very important to keep the room clean. I dont like to sit in a dirty room and niether do my ladies. 05/23/03
a little clearer shot. heres another shot of a little smaller cola in development. These buds are already solid but still filling out daily. 05/23/03
lets grow inside. Heres an outside pic. Hopefuly you can get an idea of how much is here from this shot. My camera doesnt take very good distance pics. 05/24/03
going in the room is around 12ftlongx16ftwide just enough for me to get around. 05/24/03
going in a little blurry. 05/24/03
growing in a little closer. another one. 05/24/03
a look around these have just went into 12/12 about 3 days now 05/24/03
a look around just into flowering. 05/24/03
a look around notice the jalapeneo pepper plant in the bottom of the pic, these thing are really spicy grown with hydro. It produces alot too it has fruited about 5 or 6 times already. 05/24/03
a look around these flowers are 7 weeks old 05/24/03
the new clones well I just took these today. 06/02/03
first day cut.. well its almost time to harvest so here is the new batch. They usualy take root in about 10 days. with the help of two 4 ft and 3 2ft flouros and some air stones. 06/02/03
havest pics are next. :) 06/02/03
rooted and ready 10 days later 06/12/03
top view new growth 06/12/03
ok time to get to work a little pile to work on trimming up:) 06/12/03
some more to trim buds are about 9 weeks old today 06/12/03
another tray filled up 06/12/03
harvesting pics couple nice colas in the back.I have been flushing for almost two weeks now so they will taste superb! 06/12/03
2 06/12/03
3 06/12/03
4 nice purple tops on them there. 06/12/03
work in progress 06/12/03
another tray to trim It took nearlt three days to trim all this up, but a few beers helped out. 06/12/03
long bud three nice sized colas. 06/12/03
same bud pre trimed before 06/12/03
same bud after trim ready for hanging 06/12/03
a bud shot 06/12/03
buds crappy camera shot. 06/12/03
a couple of hangers heres basicaly how i hang the buds to dry however i cant get a shot of them all hanging at once because some dry faster than others due to the amount of time it takes me to trim this shit up. 06/12/03
well any way another good crop a alright lets have a look this is about half the total i ended up with. little over a pound here. 06/12/03
pic 2 ended up with close to two pounds dry. not too bad. 06/12/03
closer view 1 06/12/03
all ready to go sure smells good 06/12/03
hand full of bud final product 06/12/03
a mighty fime time indeed. well now that thats over i can get a little bit of r+r. wait whats that there by bowl and bud? hash, no need to waste around here. so lets have a look. 06/12/03
bag of the trim regular shopping bag full been siting in the freezer. 06/12/03
just a bunch of crap huh? not for long. 06/12/03
the hash making steps the three bags in the bucket filled with ice,water and the trim not too much trim though i just used about 1\4 of the bag. 06/12/03
did someone say bubble? look at the bubbles now that is truly some bubble hash. 06/12/03
automatic well you have to mix for like 30 minutes so i rigged this up. nothing fancy at all just grabbed what was near. my cat keeps an eye on everything. 06/12/03
ahhhh some fine screened bubble hash. after all the screens i ended up with 10 grams. some people just thrown it away what a waste. 06/12/03
this stuff kicks ass! a great mix with the buds it was made from. tastes very sweet and smooth no harshness whatsoever. well im going to get a better camer now and will keep you posted on the current stage now flowering for 2 weeks. I have work to do getting the harvested side cleaned up and the new clones planted. 06/12/03
ok heres the latest side these have been flowering for about two and a half weeks. still a while to go. 06/20/03
heres a different strain heres the other strain i have in my collection tho its only 2 strong. 06/20/03
closer view this bud is already starting to frost up but my camera doesnt capture it very well. 06/20/03
another two 1\2 week old little one is sure healthy. 06/20/03
big leaf one large fan leaf from a strain i have come to call alpine. 06/20/03
comparison indica and a sativa. For what ever kind of feeling you desire. 06/20/03
side garden view ok well im still working on getting the other side cleaned up and the clones in , there still in the flouros. These are doing great as you can see however i feel some more light is in order but i dont have the power captn. :) the two 1000 watters will have to do for now. will keep you posted, thanks. 06/20/03
5 1\2 weeks Told ya i'd be back with more fun. Well heres a side view of the latest side. I cant get it all in one pic,sorry. 07/03/03
same pic with both lamps on the classic red picture. 07/03/03
bud in the middle a nice,tight big bud. almost ready the lower fans are starting to lose colour,while the rest are nice and healthy. I will be flushing in another week. 07/03/03
heres another on, or should i say a couple. Nice cola development but still a couple weeks to go. smells exteremly pine like! 07/03/03
heres one on the very end. she's not getting very good light(like none) but doing very well. 07/03/03
back reverse corner another in the back. this is the sativa strain. hard to get over to this side theres only a foot of clearance space to walk. 07/03/03
top of a bottom branch. my sativa strain. smells like grapefruit! 07/03/03
heres why im trying something ne all this string(i know its fucking pink) to support everything gets old. so im going to try a scrog op. 07/03/03
heres one of the clones planted ready for take off! took me forever to get them in i got a little lazy:) 07/03/03
screen over a clone chicken wire with 1 inch square holes. I hope rusting will not be a problem. like i said though this is an experiment for me. 07/03/03
screen side view wider view 07/03/03
top view theres about 35 clones here ready for the new s.c.r.o.g grow. cant get it all in one pic. I hope it works this is day 4 veg from rooted clone. 07/03/03
there around 5 or 6 inches tall I set the screen at about 10 or 12 inches off the top of the trays. 07/03/03
checking for problems. nutrient problems, bugs, heat and such. 07/03/03
I honestly cant belive this is s I cant really remember how long ive had this jalapeneo plant growing in here, still flowering. well its back to vegging with the clones for now. classic revegging at work. 07/03/03
SCROG heres the top side of the screen at 2 weeks veg time. i just turned to 12\12 today. 07/12/03
closer view they started poping up a week ago and ive been weaving them around since. 07/12/03
the bends just trying to get all the holes filled with a top. so far so good. there day 1 flower. 07/12/03
filling in nicely so with flowering started the little strech will give me enough to fill in the rest or the holes. 07/12/03
ok so when a top pops through push it back down, remove the big shade leaves and repeat. tops are what you want. sad to say but this bieng an experiment for me growing this way i broke off like 4 or 5 tops so far. 07/12/03
heres a underside view. short node lenght. nice green color and bushy. 07/12/03
hot ass hell! well its summer and its been getting freaking hot(despite the ac) so i had to break out the co2 tank to help the ladies cope with the heat. 07/12/03
filled in. took this about 3 days ago the screen filled in nicely. 07/22/03
the whole view I think I should have maybe started flowering a few day earlier. They are still the shortest plants I have ever grown so far for this stage of growth. so far so good. 07/22/03
same view. they are around a 1 1\2 ft tall. hopefully i can keep them under 3ft. 07/22/03
Scrog with a bud. just about time to cut these down. Im going to give them till the end of the week. 07/22/03
the one on the end. this one still pulled through bieng on the very end with little light. I will have some good bud shots next. 07/22/03
cat eating bud 09/11/03
cloned bud taken a little late but rooted fast. 12/13/03
2 12/13/03
ready for planting 12/13/03
2 weeks into a scrog well here is a canopy shot at two weeks 12/12. 02/05/04
heres the latest MUSHROOMS!!!! 02/05/04
showing pins these are about one and a half months into project from scratch. it wasnt as hard as i had thought it would have been. 02/05/04
my penis' these are a strain called penis envy. pic taken one day after these pins showed. they grow very fast once they are fully colonized. so by next week i will get to take a trip for free:) 02/05/04
mushrooms day2. 02/06/04
finished shrooms cant forget about the buds either:) 02/10/04
ph/ec meters 03/27/05
grow space new camera testing 03/27/05
fish eye running a secondary support structure to help combat the complete tangle of bud branches during week 6. 03/27/05
3 weeks 03/27/05
bud side view middle of week 6. sort of turned into a bush. fish eye 03/27/05
more buds i had a bit of a light leak again. this time from the window. only a slight strech on a few colas. but i think it will just help them get much larger than normal. this strain is extremly resistant to going hermie, but will reveg on you with the slightest light leak. 03/27/05
more red buds wk 6 03/27/05
up close bud 03/27/05
bud trying out the new camera 03/27/05
bud these are the lowest bottom mini buds. this one is actualy lower than the tray. 03/27/05
ok i will get some bud shots when they are harvested. its to hard to get any good shots right now. 03/27/05
afghani bud 10/12/05
big mac 10/12/05
big mac 4weeks 10/12/05
big mac 4weeks 10/12/05
New set up No more light leaks. 12/18/07
Some afghani and a few white wid Week and a half into flowering. 12/18/07
afghani 1 1/2 weeks into flowering 12/18/07
newest crew member scully 12/18/07
clones 01/09/08
clones2 01/09/08
roots 12 days 01/09/08
veg room 01/09/08
water running 01/09/08
clone going in 01/09/08
clone in afghani clone 01/09/08
all in 01/09/08
vertizontal 01/09/08

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