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  1st time grower 2 1/2 ft tall plant please rate this (Avg Rating: 3.9 in 33 votes)   none of your business
DescriptionI started this from seed around the first of march. I use only sunlight and i water it once a day. I put it inside a pot so that i could move it out the the way of danger(storms high winds, hail ect.) I don't smoke weed and i don't sell it anymore but i still enjoy growing it. Please tell me if this is a good plant i'll get some more pics later this week but i ran out of sunlight today. And why is it that my leafs seem to slump??? This is an all natural plant no fertalizers nothing just sun water and dirt
# Plants1
Strainsunknown it came from a really good bad though
Lights direct sunlight
Mediumjust plain soil
YieldDon't know yet
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (2 total)
Top view just a top view of my plant its about 2 1/2 ft tall 07/18/07
side view of my plant just a side view 07/18/07

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