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u must die!!!!! added 06/07/04
he came outa the ground nice,,,i tried not to leave any roots behind cause Gravity and The Claw are still in same pot
he came outa the ground nice,,,i tried not to leave any roots behind cause Gravity and The Claw are still in same pot

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  Pictures (146 total)
1 week old reachin for the lumes 04/23/04
heres my crop see saturn in the bottom one popped out from under a rock last night so thats 3 outa pic and next few are 1 1/2 weeks of age 04/23/04
heres saturn(3) seeds popped...h im gonna try to figure out what strain this is cause it looks different already 04/23/04
lookin so healthy at 1 1/2 weeks this is 5 days later same plant as 1st pic 04/23/04
lettuce reach upward fillin out slowly 04/23/04
bugs eye view one with toothpic is named gravity cause seed sprout did a 360 before taproot 04/23/04
with outstretched wings cause im....learnin to fly 04/23/04
heres gravity a week later seein light but same age...stuntness for potency 04/23/04
the neighbors but just as much a part of the community 04/23/04
for size reference my mini sea (or pond)of green 04/23/04
baby saturn Hey!!! who put that rock on my head? 3 outa 3!! 04/23/04
my 2 biggest these 2 are directly under bulb...can u tell? hehehe 04/29/04
this is plant in orange pot see how main stem did a split...i didnt prune anything yet...these are all 3 weeks old...even the smaller ones 04/29/04
coool pic 04/29/04
my 2 biggest no names yet...they might be dudes 04/29/04
hmmmmmmmmm so healthy looking 04/29/04
heyyyyyy!!!! dont crowd us this is the one that top split on its own at 4" tall 04/29/04
funny lookin leaves... real rounded clover like leaves on this one 04/29/04
further away shot makes me want bigger bulbs 04/29/04
Hmmmm maybe a humidity gauge bef this green stuff in middle of pic is on top of soil...mold i guess.. from humidity??..i have added a 6" fan about 4' away from grow box and leaving door open lately...lights still 24 hrs 04/29/04
another one with rounded leaves. ya growing strawberries in my closet...yaaaa hahahha 04/29/04
underneath looking up mini canopy 04/29/04
saturn 1 of 3 still 1 other doesnt look too god...and little guy (girl) with rock on his (her) head hasnt grown but 1/8" but looks healthy 04/29/04
trimmed ugly leaves i think i got fertilizer on some leaves...i cut em off cause looked horrible...but new growth emerging 04/29/04
gravity!!! hey darlin!! shes still smaller than a toothpic...but watch...she'll kick some ass later on in life 04/29/04
ruler size they look taller than 4" on pics 04/29/04
heres some of my favorite pics f found on different sites...shows many varieties 05/05/04
wow flowers amazing hybrids 05/05/04
hmmmmmm loooks wow 05/05/04
hmmmmmmmm no these arent mine...ya i wish too 05/05/04
white leaves?? 05/05/04
wow flowers II never seen anything like this 05/05/04
wow flowers III in any possible color 05/05/04
red leaves yummmmmm 05/05/04
purple power 05/05/04
my favorite favorite pic i found on net 05/05/04
week 4 back to pics of my little girls--now 4 weeks old 05/05/04
growin slowly next to i didnt use a mini-bic 05/05/04
we're gettin there 05/05/04
mini garden my crop @ 4 weeks old 05/05/04
Ahhh natural light i wish i could put em all outside...maybe 1 day we can all grow outside 05/05/04
yaaaa i guess they are growing...,i dont see much growth from day to day 05/05/04
saturn survivor 1 of 3 lived due to humidity/mold problem...was gone for a few days 05/05/04
side view 05/05/04
looking down an overhead shot 05/05/04
split heres one that stem split at 4" tall (3 weeks) 05/05/04
Yummmm lookin good!!! 05/05/04
fillin out REAL slowly ya i need bigger bulbs im sure...just to speed up the process a little 05/05/04
baroup hoodat? 05/06/04
31 days seein light these i trimmed too much..hey im just learning..but bottom can gro gro gro 05/10/04
another almost same pic 05/10/04
saturn only survivor 05/10/04
lookin down another 05/10/04
its about time finally new growth 05/10/04
gravity 31 days old lookin down at the toothpic now 05/10/04
yay growing slowly but growing 05/10/04
biggest some random shots 05/10/04
my 2 biggest no names yet 05/10/04
thick leaves but growin slowly 05/10/04
crop pic someone please vote for updating what if my plants are small still 05/10/04
another a closer look 05/10/04
let us see light undergrowth fillin light can hit stem leaves...i learned not to do this now...the more leaves the better? 05/10/04
hey shorty big bertha hahaha 05/10/04
a nice view lookin down (no shit duh) 05/10/04
soon i wanna see branches 05/10/04
31 days old ya i know they showld have flowers already..but my lighting sucks,,these are same plant (leaf type) but 1 took doubled in height last weekend 05/10/04
first leaves the first single leaves are still so healthy at 5 weeks old,,,and plant sooo small 05/10/04
fatty fat leaves-short plants 05/10/04
yaaa! finally new leaves 05/10/04
side view nodes are so close 1/4 inch...but other one took off-- in two days all nodes stretched 05/10/04
close up a shot of the (3) leaf finally dying 05/10/04
newbe! top sees light 05/10/04
hmmm i think shes sayin she wants to be closer to bulb..5 weeks old 05/10/04
know why? this one has over-lapped leaves 05/10/04
more overlapped leaf shot 05/10/04
another plant seems real stocky compared to others...maybe these are the only females...hope not 05/10/04
tight nodes maybe will double next week like others did 05/10/04
another more overlapped leaves 05/10/04
no sex yet new growth at nodes 05/10/04
leafy this one is really leafy like cabbage 05/10/04
my bulbs or closest i could using 2 of these 100 watts each...only use 26 W of power each 05/10/04
full moon fever hahah my fav under 2nd week of 12/12 no sex yet ..just little leaf shoots 05/24/04
underneath its gettin harder to fit full plant in pic :) 05/24/04
top new leaves are lighter green since 12/12 a week ago 05/24/04
branches yaaaa lots of branches but where the hell are the white hairs???? i went checking out better lights this weekend and found out a small setup is about $ im still goin on my $8 walmart setup 05/24/04
hairs? no theyre just new leaves...i cant put em back in the veg area cause they outgrew its 12/12 forever for these..i dont see sac formings to hold the sex either..but theyre all doin healthy....oh i killed my ugliest one :( cause i had no more room since now in bigger only 6...started at like 26 then 9 for a while to 7 now 6...hmmm id be happy with 1 female at the end 05/24/04
"V" this one i pruned and shot into a V so maybe vicki (ya cool name baby) 05/24/04
another plant this one has the claw it genetics or fertilizer/ph imbalance???? i dunno..all 6 plants are totally diff looking from each other...which is pretty cool..only the one in orange pot smells skunky on new growth....WHERES MY FRIGGEN BUDS???? o i know ..theyre under the lights i cant afford hahaha 05/24/04
babies claw-leaf this things growing slow 05/24/04
claws!!!!! coool ...they wanna scratch me 05/24/04
hey im tryin clawleaf size reference..dont laugh yall but this plant is like almost 8 weeks old 05/24/04
baby claws at bottom of stem...these new leaves showed up like 3 weeks ago and still so small 05/24/04
another another baby leaf shot of THE CLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 05/24/04
remember me?? heres saturn from original 3 good seeds from dude 05/24/04
but healthy saturn at 43 days old..i guess those expensive bulbs make a difference.. DUH 05/24/04
remember me?? im gravity and im still the smallest 8 weeks directly under light and get plenty of whats the prob...will i be this small brothers and sisters are gettin so big around me 05/24/04
well first i was lookin down on toothpic now i can see top of im growning...this is 3 weeks after last pic of me 05/24/04
this is vicky i FIMd these to my own creation of a grapevine mess kinda plant...but now theyre like 1/4 the height cause i was running out of room...there is 2 plants in this pot,,,no sex yet anywhere an all 6 05/27/04
another yep tied it all down lower 05/27/04
lady madonna see... how ...they ...bend 05/27/04
hmmm all tied up and nowhere to about UP? 05/27/04
chiropractor??? another stem bend 05/27/04
lookin down room to grow 05/27/04
gravity!! shes now in pot with 2 others...all these 3 are growing straight up..tallest one (claw) is about 8 inches 05/27/04
the claw 8" tall about 8 weeks old 05/27/04
heres saturn almost as tall as claw ...with gravity all 3 in same pot 05/27/04
lower lower down the stem more hairs 06/07/04
nice pic yay its a girl! 06/07/04
any males? hairs below the buds...reachin for male pollen... 06/07/04
this one! this plant has a bud on top but no this a herm or male??? i dunno i get rid of it??? someone please help? Update ::found it was male and yanked it...see next pics 06/07/04
male :( i yanked first sign of male and others seem happier..i called a buddy and described it as a green pinecone looking with no hairs...he said YANK IT UP 06/07/04
u must die!!!!! he came outa the ground nice,,,i tried not to leave any roots behind cause Gravity and The Claw are still in same pot 06/07/04
goodbye had nice roots tho 06/07/04
male another male flower...yesterday they just looked like pinecone lookin 06/07/04
another dude same plant..this woulda had like 12 buds if she was a female...dammmmmmmmm 06/07/04
another to the gas chamber u attempted murderer-pinecone baby male bud-against round flourescent 06/07/04
and more male pics another pic of whole plant....was twisted around sticks so looks like its dying anyways 06/07/04
dude bud to the guillotine!!! 06/07/04
more of dude diff light angles and stuff 06/07/04
another another -woulda been- budsite :( pic taken thru magnifying glass 06/07/04
closest best pic i think...all with $20 webcam 06/07/04
GIRLSSSSSSSSSSS!!! see hairs???yummm they look so cool with magnifying glass...gonna try thru cam 06/07/04
yep!!! the only female so far was Saturn...from original 3 GOOD seeds from buddy 06/07/04
THE CLAW back and meaner than if u turn these leaves upside down they'll hold like 1 tsp of water 06/07/04
and lower lower down stem 3 more nodes i have new white i wasnt this happy when my own pubes sprouted,,,,hahahahahhahaha 06/07/04
top 2 big budsites cause i pruned it 2 days before pistils appeared...was too strong to bend and tie and was gettin too tall for box so i pruned far 6 budsites on 1 stem...only 9 sets of (5) leaves on this plant...real tall and airy..hairy now too...hehehe 06/07/04
another node i thing this is above 1st nodes ...u can kida see small white hairs 06/07/04
my babiesssssss Awwwwwwwwwww theyre so cute...gonna update again in 2 weeks or so...anymore than that seems useless cause mine are growin so slow 06/07/04
saturn!!! now 1 month older than last pics about 3 months old from seed--this is only saturn plant that survived as female...Hmmmm i planted her 1 week after the others but this one i didnt prune of FIM...just let it go..Oh was always in her own pot where the other ones were transplanted like 4 times...i learn now its better not to do anything like prune or FIM..well most of the time 06/29/04
closer i need a better camera...or try and hold webcam a little more still..its hard as hell for those of u that havent tried....since my total yield might be 1 oz ..that wont afford me a digi cam...especially since it will all be smoked and not sold 06/29/04
lower down the branch some more buds 06/29/04
top of plant yaaa good buds still going on my $8 walmart setup....takes 10 times longer but it works..obviously 06/29/04
another another shot of top buds 06/29/04
lower down the stem buds buds buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06/29/04
hmmmmmmm all hairs are WHITE-WHITE...makes the room smell sooooooooo good 06/29/04
and lower down the stem there are smaller and smaller buds...about 20 total on this 1 plant 06/29/04
plant shot heres the top 1/2...ya i need better cam 06/29/04
another plant heres plant in 1st pics...way back like 3 months ago was in orange pot...never had a name..but this one i pruned and FIMd like 10 times cause it kept gettin too big for box so it grew like a has about 12 budsites that started to get hairs like a week ago...oh im down to 3 plants in the end now....had to get rid of 2 males and gave 2 females to a friend with real growlights 06/29/04
yaaaa heres hairs.. 1 week old buds 06/29/04
yummm if u look close enough u can see hairs...couple weeks later it will be an unmistakeable female.....but whats weird..on this same plant theres a branch with no hairs but little seed looking green appendages...i keep picking it off cause there are no white hairs on that bud-area...but other budareas with white hairs dont show these green seed pod things...its a hermie?? or maybe these green pods will spit out female pistils??? i dunno but i pinched it off cause it doesnt look like other budareas with hairs...looks more like a rounded pinecone made of seedpods....its in garbage but i will take a pic of it next time 06/29/04
only the beginning beginning of a stinky smelly yummy bud 06/29/04
coool looks cool in the window light 06/29/04
lookin out daddy can we go outside and play?? 06/29/04
bushy heres the bushy one with no name...its ties to shish k bob sticks in like 20 places...ill take all sticks out in a few weeks and it will look funny...or maybe i leave em for supportting the big buds...oh once during FIMing i accidentally split a stem like 1/2" split in "V" i taped it with masking tape and tied a piece of yarn in a knot tight and it healed fine,,...these plants are tough 06/29/04
dont feed the fukkers duck! 09/30/04

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